Dear colleagues! This September, we will gather for the tenth time at the Pan-Russian GMP Conference. Every year we try to make the program diverse by using different formats. We…
The event annually «travels» to different cities of Russia. This year, the participants of the conference are welcomed by the capital of our country. For a comfortable independent study of…
GMP Conference celebrates its 10th anniversary in 2025. During this time, significant changes have taken place in the pharmaceutical industry, and good practices have been continuously evolving. Reflecting the most…
X Pan-Russian GMP Conference with international engagement will be held on September 17-19, 2025 in Moscow. The Lomonosov Cluster will be the venue. The annual GMP Conference is a center…
The 9th Pan-Russian GMP Conference with international engagement, which took place on August 21-23, 2024 in Ufa, took 1st place in the category «Best MICE Event», within the framework of…
More than 800 pharmaceutical industry experts took part in the GMP Conference 2024, which was held in Ufa, both offline and online. The main topic of discussion was the continuous…
An interactive competition “We are PRO GMP” was held at the GMP Conference 2024. The competition was aimed at rewarding speakers and moderators for interesting reports, vivid presentation of information…
The 9th GMP Conference has started in the Republic of Bashkortostan. Representatives from 25 countries will participate as speakers in the three-day event. The business program will include 12 sessions…
As part of the 9th Pan-Russian GMP Conference with international engagement, three master classes will be held to be dedicated to the functions of qualified persons, licensing issues, as well…
On August 22, in Ufa, at the site of the 9th Pan-Russian GMP Conference with international engagement, a panel session dedicated to the production of biological medicinal products will be…
In 2021, the event gathered a big audience: more than 80 speakers and experts, including 23 foreign ones, 487 in-person participants, and more than 2 thousand online attendees from 42…
The Conference opened with a plenary session under the motto “Strong Regulator – Strong Industry” moderated by Dmitry Galkin, Director of the Department of Development of Pharmaceutical and Medical Industry…
В 2021 году мероприятие собрало большую аудиторию: более 80 спикеров и экспертов, в том числе 23 иностранных, 487 очных участников, а также более 2 тысяч слушателей онлайн-трансляции из 42 стран мира.…
Конференция открылась пленарным заседанием под девизом «Сильный регулятор – сильная отрасль», модераторами которого выступили директор Департамента развития фармацевтической и медицинской промышленности Минпромторга России Дмитрий Галкин и директор ФБУ «ГИЛС и…
КОМПАНИЯ «РОШ» И ФБУ «ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ ИНСТИТУТ ЛЕКАРСТВЕННЫХ СРЕДСТВ И НАДЛЕЖАЩИХ ПРАКТИК» МИНПРОМТОРГА РОССИИ ПОДПИСАЛИ МЕМОРАНДУМ О СОТРУДНИЧЕСТВЕ Стороны договорились о совместной реализации научно-технических программ и проектов с целью повышения доступности…
В результате, сегодня до нуля сведены риски срыва массовой профилактики гриппа, так как российская система здравоохранения стала полностью самодостаточной в этой области и на 100% обеспечена необходимым объемом препаратов. Развитие…
The Ultrix Quadri vaccine produced by the Nacimbio Holding of Rostec State Corporation has been approved by the Russian Ministry of Health for the vaccination of people over 60 years…
One of the most-attended sessions at GMP Conference 2019 was “The Certification of Conformity to GMP in the Context of Transition Towards a Common Market”.
Roche has been a strategic partner of the All-Russia GMP Conference for several years and will be supporting the event in 2021. Roche’s experience and expertise in science advancement in…
Petrovax will act as a partner in a panel discussion dedicated to regulating the circulation of medicinal products within the EAEU, to be held as part of the 6th All-Russian…