On May 16, an Organizing Committee was established to prepare and hold the IXth All-Russia GMP Conference with International Participation

The key task of the Organizing Committee is to come up with the proposals on the following topics:

  • drawing up the concept of organizing and holding the Conference;
  • identifying the key topics and issues for discussion within the agenda of the Conference;
  • identifying speaker candidates to be listed in the agenda of the Conference.

The Chairman of the Organizing Committee is the Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation – Ms. Ekaterina Priezzheva.

The Organizing Committee members are as follows:

At the federal level:

  • Dmitriy Galkin, Director of the Pharmaceutical and Medical Industry Development Department of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation;
  • Vladislav Shestakov, Director of FSI «SID & GP» of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation;
  • Sergey Glagolev, Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation;
  • Gelena Grosheva, Head of the Medicinal Product Manufacture Licensing Division of the Pharmaceutical and Medical Industry Development Department of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation;
  • Elena Denisova, Deputy Director of the Pharmaceutical and Medical Industry Development Department of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation;
  • Dmitry Parkhomenko, Deputy Head of the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare;
  • Madina Sottaeva, Head of the Medicinal Product Manufacture Inspections Directorate of FSI «SID & GP» of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

At the EAEU level:

  • Chinara Mambetaliveva, Deputy Director of the Department of Technical Regulation and Accreditation of the Eurasian Economic Commission.

At the regional level:

  • Rustam Muratov, First Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan – Minister of Economic Development and Investment Policy of the Republic of Bashkortostan;
  • Margarita Bolycheva, Minister of Foreign Economic Relations and Congress Activities of the Republic of Bashkortostan;
  • Andrey Nazarov, Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan;
  • Alexander Sheldyaev, Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan – Minister of Industry, Energy and Innovation of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

From the organizers:

  • Olga Sobchenko, Managing Partner of S-GROUP Corporate Communications Center, LLC;
  • Inna Semenova, Head of Partnership Projects at S-GROUP Corporate Communications Center, LLC.

Follow updates:

On Telegram:  https://t.me/progmp

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