1. Both Russian and foreign media representatives can submit a registration application for participation in the Conference, with:
    • Russian media organizations must be registered in the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecommunications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (hereinafter – Roskomnadzor);
    • Foreign media representatives must be accredited with the Russian Foreign Ministry.
  2. An accredited media representative has the right to:
    • Receive information on official events and exhibitions of the Conference (press releases, business programme, etc.);
    • Participate in press conferences, briefings and other press events;
    • Use all services specifically designed for the work of journalists and press officers.
  3. An accredited media representative is obliged to:
    • Verify the accuracy of the information provided by him;
    • Satisfy the requests of the persons provided the information on the indication of its source;
    • When receiving information from citizens and officials, inform them about the conduct of audio and video recordings, film and photography;
    • When carrying out a professional activity, upon request, present immediately a badge or other document proving the identity and powers of the journalist;
    • Do not use professional capabilities in order to conceal information or falsify socially important data, gather information in favor of an outsider or a non-media organization;
    • Suspend (stop) photographing/filming at the request of representatives of the Conference security service;
    • Do not distribute printed materials in the Conference area without the prior consent of the Conference Organizing Committee;
    • When using official information and quoting the statements of the Conference participants, follow the «Mention Policy» of the Conference, namely: the finished materials should contain a reference to the Conference and the source of the information received, and for electronic media – a link to the official website of the Conference (; making any changes, additions or distortions in the copied (quoted) information is not allowed.